Home » Executive Headshots for all the hats you wear

  • Executive Headshots for all the hats you wear

    For some people, a single executive headshot – updated as necessary, of course – does the job just fine.

    For others, it makes sense to have multiple executive headshots.

    Which one are you? You may play different roles within your company that need to be emphasized at different times. You may need one headshot for use on company marketing materials and another for, say, public speaking engagements. You may have a webpage for public consumption and another for internal use that needs to dial down the formality and up the approachability. You may even have two different businesses in which you need to represent yourself.

    If you’re in any of the above situations, we can help. Or if you’d just like to have a few different executive headshots that you can rotate to easily inject new life into your online presence, we can help with that, too.

    We recently had the pleasure of crafting executive headshots for Pat, showcasing the qualities that allow her to shine in both facets of her professional life. On the one hand, Pat is a skilled and professional insurance agent, guiding clients to make the best choices about their life and health insurance coverages. On the other, Pat is a caring, supportive, and skilled life coach, helping her clients to achieve empowerment and success.

    Both “hats” require professionalism, of course, but a more traditional corporate look is appropriate for insurance sales, which life-coaching needs a softer and more emotion-based approach. How do you think we did?


    executive headshots

    Left: Professional, confident, and approachable. Right: Supportive, welcoming, and professional.


    Pat tells us she loves the versatility of the executive headshots we crafted for her, as well as the high quality of the images.

    There are subtle differences in Pat’s eyes, smile, and even her head tilt, that emphasize the different qualities that each of Pat’s roles requires. But the most obvious difference, at first glance, is the wardrobe. While both styles are professional, one is clearly more corporate, the other a bit softer.

    And, if you feel like you would benefit from having versatile executive headshots, but are concerned about putting together appropriate outfits? We have an answer for that, too. More than an answer, actually. A secret weapon. We now offer two headshot packages that include wardrobe consulting from the wonderful Tiffany Dunyon of Empower Style. Said Pat of our partnership with Tiffany, “Everybody was very professional to work with. We were able to put together the wardrobe and the shots so quickly. The way we put some of the wardrobe together, I wouldn’t have thought of, but it turned out beautifully.”

    If you think you could benefit from having a variety of executive headshots on hand to choose from, we’d love to help you craft them. We are experts at sending exactly the visual message you want potential clients to receive. Visit our Executive Headshots page to learn more.

    Walter Schnecker, CPP, CPC, CCH

    Walter Schnecker is the owner of C1M Photography, LLC, in Amherst NH. He specializes in Executive Business Headshots and crafts hundreds of headshots each year for businesspeople in a wide range of professions.

    Apr. 10, 2015 Executive Headshots No Comments