Home » Outdoor Photography Classes – Go Out and Shoot Something

  • Outdoor Photography Classes – Go Out and Shoot Something

    Neither getting up early on a Sunday, nor countless fallen leaves, nor the threat of Ebola could deter us from exploring Madame Sherri’s Forest in Chesterfield, NH. Our Photo Elite field trips are always a lot of fun. There’s lots to learn about photography that you can learn in the studio or the classroom, but outdoor photography classes really take things to the next level. They challenge you to use the available light properly. They push you to see in new ways. You can’t artfully arrange your subject on a set. But you can learn to see artful arrangements in nature. In architecture. In the ruins of a “castle” once well known for its decadent parties and scandalous resident, Madame Antoinette Sherri. There’s not too much left of the house, but the legend lingers on. And the bits of the house that linger on make a pretty nice photo backdrop. Combined with the brilliant foliage and our great weather luck, it was a really good day.


    outdoor photography classes

    Sometimes, when you look through the lens, the lens looks back at you.

    We even managed to have some fun with our flying camera, getting a view of the ruins that is usually reserved for the birds.

    outdoor photography classes

    Up, up, and away …

    Outdoor photography classes barely even feel like an educational experience when we’re having this much fun. But our students learn something every time. (And, if there happens to be good food on the way home, that’s just extra credit.) Every month, we choose a new destination and put our photography skills to the test. A couple of weeks later, on a Monday evening, we meet in the studio to tweak and edit the photos from the field trip, making them the best they possibly can be. The Photo Elite program runs continuously, and you can enroll any time. Check out the details, including the full schedule of upcoming shoots. The more photo-field-trippers, the merrier, we always say.

    Walter Schnecker, CPP, CPC

    Walter Schnecker is the owner of C1M Photography, LLC, in Amherst, NH. He’s been educating photographers in southern New England and beyond for the last seven years. He loves helping people. And traipsing through the woods.

    Oct. 14, 2014 Photography Classes NH No Comments