Home » Why a Cheap Headshot Costs More Than a Really Good One

  • Why a Cheap Headshot Costs More Than a Really Good One

    You don’t want to get kicked out of the grocery store, do you?

    We often tell our clients – a headshot is not about you. It’s about your intended audience. Research shows that first impressions are made visually, in about 1/10th of a second. That’s how long you have to connect with a potential client through your headshot if they first find you online. You may not believe it, but slight changes in body language can send vastly different messages. A chin held an inch too high looks arrogant. A chin held an inch too low looks menacing. Neither is ideal for creating warm, fuzzy feelings in someone you want to do business with. It takes a photographer attuned to these subtleties to give you the headshot you need. So, sure, you might get an OK headshot for what seems like a great price. But the truth is, a cheap headshot has a hidden long-term cost. Because …

    If you don’t have the headshot you need, you’ll miss out on your cream-of-the-crop clients.

    If you miss out on your cream-of-the-crop clients, your income will suffer.

    If your income suffers, you’ll have to watch your pennies carefully.

    If you’re watching your pennies carefully, you’ll have to think about every purchase.

    If you have to think about every purchase, it will probably take you much longer to grocery shop.

    If it takes you much longer to grocery shop, you’ll be frustrated.

    If you’re frustrated, you’ll be out of patience when you wind up in the express line behind someone whose cart is heaped high.

    If you’re out of patience, your frustration might boil over.

    If your frustration boils over, you might start yelling at that person in front of you.

    If you yell at the person in front of you, you’ll probably get kicked out of the grocery store.

    And you don’t want that, do you?

    Get the right headshot, connect with your ideal clients, and never worry about getting kicked out of the grocery store again.

    We can help.

    Walter Schnecker, CPP, CPC

    Walter Schnecker is the owner of C1M Photography, LLC, in Amherst NH. He specializes in Executive Business Headshots and crafts hundreds of headshots each year for businesspeople in a wide range of professions.


    Nov. 04, 2014 Executive Headshots No Comments